Been wondering how did I manage to upload huge pictures? Imma telling you now!
You will need to log in instead of the normal blogger you signed into. Then upload pictures like normal. Good thing using draft blogger is that you can upload as many pictures as you want at one time, bad thing is when you're uploading you cannot continue to type the post until they are finished uploaded. But another good thing is you can just post the pictures anywhere you want instead of having to drag it down from top to bottom but I already found an alternative for it.
Okay back to enlarging the pictures. After you uploaded and posted, then go to edit HTML and this is the code where you change the size of the photo.
The size will normally be s320 if you choose medium, all you need to do is change the number to either s576, s640, s800, or even s1600 if you want a uber huge ass picture on your blog. Normally I use s576 for all the pictures.
After you have done, go back to compose, you will see the size of your picture will change from this
to this
Voila, it's as simple as that. Oh one more thing, some blog templete with narrow content margin might not be able to do this, so you will need to change the content margin in your blog layout using HTML.
Hope this is useful. =D
p/s: that absinth doesn't belong to me.