Friday, June 19, 2009

Dreadful exams

3 down, 2 more to go, just 2 more! I can't wait till the exams finish, it's killing me! Looking at the books make me want to just scream my lung out! Do you know the frustration when you're looking at something but you just couldn't understand it or the words just couldn't get into your mind! It looks so familiar yet so foreign. I do not know how to exactly express my feelings right now and I'm stressed out and depressed! It also makes me miss home even more at times like this! I need to get my mind clear and concentrate on my books! ARGH!

And I have been eating a lot of instant noodles! Had it everyday or every other day, I think my body will be preserved and mummified one day... okay that is not funny. Oh and I haven't eaten any for 3 days already! I am not good in finance field at all!! What was I thinking when I took up a major in finance??? I feel like just go knock myself at the wall. *knocking self to the wall*

Please please please please god just let me pass everything!! This semester is really tough! All the subjects are so hard to understand!!!! I am really really worried and scared!!

Tuesday 11.30am sharp is the time when I can announce my freedom! Wish me luck! And good luck to those who are still having exams like me... and for those flying back to Malaysia or somewhere for holiday, have a safe trip!


Joe-Lene said...

tmd the two left are screwing us up, no pieces left. broken. exhausted. ko.

justin k said...

GOOD Luck!!!

michiko said...

RLJ: urgh I know! 24 more hours!

JK: Thank you!