Sunday, June 07, 2009


First paper in less than 48 hours! gasps!! >.<

And I'm not even half prepared... T_T

Can I hop on my spaceship and fly outta this place?


Okay people.. I found my spaceship! Bye bye!! Chao~ will be back when I regain my sanity!

-ka zooom *dissapeared*-

Newcastle(7 June) - MeiZhi, age 21, was reported missing about a minute ago and is believed being abducted by aliens. No signs of fighting and struggling were found in the room. Fire trails can be seen around the sky and a huge hole seems to be appeared at the rooftop on where she was currently living. According to the witness, a blue spaceship was coming out from her room and headed north. Scientists are currently gathered around to figure out this unusual phenomenon. More updates when the mystery is solved.

Aha! Now, if you excuse me, I need to get my dose of tranquilizer.


justin k said...

Okay, you're scaring me.

michiko said...

uummmm.... I dont bite.... >.<

minami said...

wow,so terrible ar?full of imagination~bt wat i would lk to say is,u think too much edi la!!!!